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Category: Informational

You ARE the funny cat video…

You ARE the funny cat video…

When awakened by the “a ha” moment, we are aware of something that, just a moment ago, we weren’t conscious of. We didn’t need to make it happen, in fact we couldn’t have made it happen…like the automatic laugh at the end of the funny cat video. When we become aware that the object and the observation co-arise, we begin to let go of the need for control. We begin to see that it was never out of control, and…

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We tend to hide scars as imperfections. This is in error, because scars come from conflict, and conflict gives birth to growth.Scars are evidence of the willingness to engage the battle without backing down. Scars are a visible statement that says:I am willing to engage, and I am committed to survival.I will not go quietly.



Stage one, we see life in us/them terms. When the other doesn’t do what we like, we want them to change so that we can be happy. Not very effective life strategy, for sure. Stage two, we realize the we are inextricably intertwined with the events of our lives, and the outcome depends on the meaning we attach to the event. Stage three…we realize that, as stage two suggests, we must blend with the situation, but there also exists the…

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Battle cry.

Battle cry.

It seems natural to seek the easy way out, to seek fairness, to frown at the looming darkness on the horizon. May we remember that all gain is preceded by conflict, and conflict is only given to Warriors.Turn it around.Run toward the flames. Welcome the rain. Rise to the challenge, even if it kills you. You’re a Warrior. It’s what you’re born for. The storms should be fearing you.

Now available on Amazon!

Now available on Amazon!

Irreverent in voice and delivery and lacking the ā€œpious pomposityā€ of most spiritual self-help methods and guides, ā€œOut of My Mindā€ shoots straight at the heart of the human condition to provide effective strategies to combat the tragedies and hardships that befall most of us at one time or anotherā€¦ with mathematical precision. ā€œOut of My Mindā€, born out of the wisdom of the ancient Martial Arts traditions and fused with global philosophical teachings and scientific principles, reveals a strategy…

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Turn and face the Strange…

Turn and face the Strange…

We so often want things to change…people to be kinder, our work to be more appreciated, our wait to be shorter. Alan Watts once commented that Blood behaves differently in a test tube than in your veins, showing that “it” and its “environment” are connected, are one. If you want to change to happen, YOU change. It starts and ends with you. If you have any control in this life, it’s over your own reaction to your environment. Being mutually…

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This came from one of my friends, Rod Allen, and is perhaps the “cleanest” way to describe within the limits of language what the nature of reality and consciousness may be…I have said “we’re all hair on the same dog”, but I think Rod’s description is more accurate, and certainly more elegant. Thanks Rod!

…on health and fitness

…on health and fitness

Of course I am not advocating for an unhealthy lifestyle, because we’re going to lose the battle anyway (lighten up!). I am not saying “lay down your sword”, nor “give up the fight”. It is worth remembering though that we’re all just passing through. It is also worth remembering that in the passing, LEAVE YOUR MARK. You may lose the battle, but they will know you were here…

Frequency, Vibration and Cycles

Frequency, Vibration and Cycles

Reality is comprised of frequencies, vibrations, and cycles. Frequencies can be high and light, or dark and heavy. Vibrations can fast and light, or slow and dense. Cycles are the closest our minds can come to grasping eternity; no start, no stop. No beginning, no end. Everything is in a state of change, and yet cycles can be “good” or “Bad”, “heavy” or “light”, and they can be self perpetuating, like a feedback loop…like a rut you’re stuck in. The…

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