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Tag: Taoism

Don’t Fight the Darkness.

Don’t Fight the Darkness.

It’s a waste of time to try to fight darkness. In fact, fighting it strengthens it. This makes the darkness grow, and before you know it, you’ve become part of that darkness. The only way to end the madness is to silently seek the light. Seek that which resonates with your spirit, and energizes it, and make no apologies. Anyone who would tell you “You’re going the wrong way!” I might say “tell them to go to hell”, but you…

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Echoes from the Future.

Echoes from the Future.

The dance of opposites is what makes everything possible.Dark doesn’t exist without light,just as computer code needs both zeros and ones.We come to grasp, hopefully, that how we choose to usethe experiences of our past, shape who we arebut do we ever consider that the future is also calling usto who we are to become? Who we are right now…depends on both.

Turn and face the Strange…

Turn and face the Strange…

We so often want things to change…people to be kinder, our work to be more appreciated, our wait to be shorter. Alan Watts once commented that Blood behaves differently in a test tube than in your veins, showing that “it” and its “environment” are connected, are one. If you want to change to happen, YOU change. It starts and ends with you. If you have any control in this life, it’s over your own reaction to your environment. Being mutually…

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