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Category: Ounces of Inspiration

Following are some of my musings, and through the accompanying imagery hopefully they touch a cord by way of synergy.

Enter the Dragon

Enter the Dragon

It is so easy to think that when troubles arise, we must have done something wrong, or external forces are conspiring to keep us down. “It’s not our fault, life won’t leave me alone” we cry. When we realize that without conflict, there can be no growth, we see that conflict is Nature’s challenge to us: Grow, or perish. These challenges keep us in the Present, for you can only act in the present. If you are thinking, you’re not…

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The Illusion of Duality

The Illusion of Duality

The mind thinks in linear terms, and has trouble grasping the abstract, or the unseen. It likes to wrap things into nice little packages of opposites, keeping it sedated and pacified. The trouble with duality is that it is not real; it doesn’t even hold up to basic math: If you have one mountain and one valley, you have two things. Take one away from two and how many are left? Zero.