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Category: Ounces of Inspiration

Following are some of my musings, and through the accompanying imagery hopefully they touch a cord by way of synergy.

No Mind.

No Mind.

In Martial Arts, you don’t overestimate your opponent, for your fear will defeat you before the battle begins. Neither do you underestimate your opponent, because by the time you realize the advantage of speed and timing…it’s too late…you lose. Both overestimation and underestimation are states of thought, and success can not be found in thought. Success lies in the stillness before thought, allowing response to the opponent to be the perfect one, Like a reflection on the water. This is…

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Don’t Fight the Darkness.

Don’t Fight the Darkness.

It’s a waste of time to try to fight darkness. In fact, fighting it strengthens it. This makes the darkness grow, and before you know it, you’ve become part of that darkness. The only way to end the madness is to silently seek the light. Seek that which resonates with your spirit, and energizes it, and make no apologies. Anyone who would tell you “You’re going the wrong way!” I might say “tell them to go to hell”, but you…

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The Tao of Bubbles.

The Tao of Bubbles.

Many of us struggle, trying to find our path, feeling that if we don’t try hard enough, we might miss it. Stemming from my own insecurity, I often forget that I can’t fail at being me. For nine gestational months everything fell into place without my hand, without my guidance. Why would I think that the next chapter would be any different, and the more control I grasp for, the less control I have? Let go, lighten up.

Enter the Darkness.

Enter the Darkness.

Illness doesn’t mean we’re weak.weakness doesn’t mean we’re doomed.Obstacles don’t mean we are cursed,Our silly mind is the label-maker,and we think the label it prints is the truth!Bring out the label maker that inspires your best self,That labels your curses the makers of greatness, and your darkness…the home of you stars.



Zen, like all self- knowledge, can be ambiguous. What does it mean?You can only know half of reality, at best. Consciousness can observe many things, but it can’t observe itself,because consciousness is the one looking. It can never see itself,because it’s the one looking. maybe it’s better just to look, listen, and hear, right nowwithout trying to make sense of it…because you’re handicappedcoming out of the gate.

Tranquil in Chaos

Tranquil in Chaos

There is no doubt that the world is a little chaotic,to say the least.It’s easy to bitch and complain about the state of politics,or the current health crisis.Just remember that it’s SUPPOSED to be that way;it’s a challenge to try to steal your attention, your focus,your Courage…but be still. Hold steady, though the wild winds blow-that’s how warriors are made, and not oneis without scars.

Order V. Chaos.

Order V. Chaos.

The debate as to whether the world is ordered, by some unknowable design (or designer), or a chaotic cause and effect has been raging for years. What would happen if we let go of our egoic need to “produce order” out of the chaotic mayhem, and instead, looked for and learned from the order that was there all along, and took up the task of finding the positive meaning, hidden in the Chaos? Our lives are not the sum total…

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To the Carichner boys.

To the Carichner boys.

They live among us, these friends of mine but they may as well be from a forgotten era, a time where the work is hard, life is fragile, and the seasons brutal. Though most would perish, they revel in it, and an endless day alone in the wilderness in the dead of winter is if anything- too short. They remind me that the Laws of Nature have not been repealed.

For Al.

For Al.

He called me often, needed a hand. He said “please…sometime, call ME for help!” I said I was always more than willing to help. With tireless devotion, he tended to his wife…stricken with MS…and I don’t know which of them suffered more. But never once did he complain, though his face showed the strain. “I can’t help it” he said “I love her so much!” and I was reminded again that LOVE is a verb…

Light is right.

Light is right.

So often we struggle to be seen as “right”.Seeking validation is a sign of weakness, and right and wrong are often nebulous at best. A true Warrior is not concerned with joining groups or how he is seen; he travels his path, facing his personal darkness, and pushes forward for the light on the other side, knowing our darkness is the path to our growth, and is our personal journey, to be traveled alone.