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Category: Ounces of Inspiration

Following are some of my musings, and through the accompanying imagery hopefully they touch a cord by way of synergy.

Monkey see, Monkey do.

Monkey see, Monkey do.

It’s easy to spot bad behavior in the actions of others.We tend to think that this alone gives usa “moral superiority”, and that, if I treat them the same,Who cares? They’re just an asshole!Seeing the limitations of others does not give us a free pass.We see the problem… we see the asshole. If you repeat the behavior, we’re a bigger asshole,because we saw the problem, where the asshole is blind.Assholes exist for one simple reason: they reveal who we are;Can…

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Perceive perception.

Perceive perception.

We think we perceive our surroundings. We think that are minds are writing the narrative of what is real.In fact, we are not perceiving reality, but our perception of it; our ownpersonal interpretation…not a statement of fact…Observing our observation is the key out of our own personal hell,and blindness to it…condemns us to its repetition.



Words can cripple, and words can heal.Wielded in the right hands, they can give the gift of hope, a light in the darkness where none seem to be found.But only for others; Words are ineffective, or clumsy at best when used to describe or explain oneself.They will often be taken as grandiose, self-deprecating, or worse…not heard at all.In matters of the self, don’t worry about what others think…because its none of your business anyway…not is it under your control.Let your…

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Stand By Me.

Stand By Me.

The time will come, the battles… over.Victories, some, and the losses…bitter.We’ll remember our adversaries, and those left behind.Lets hope us fortunate fewdon’t fall victim to farsightednessand forget those who, side by side,covered our flank, “had our 6”,and did so not by obligation, but by their own choice.

The Impossible Dream

The Impossible Dream

I’m tired of hearing the “anything is possible” speech.All things are simply not possible.Elephants can’t fly. But, you can only do ANYTHING that enters your mind. If it weren’t possible, you wouldn’t have thought of it. And that’s OK…I doubt flying ever entered an elephant’s mind.

Logic and Lunacy.

Logic and Lunacy.

The only thing crazier than believing that your worldview is the only one that’s true is trying to convince a person otherwise by using logic. Always be willing to question the validity of your convictions by testing their credibility, probability…and of course, bias contamination. The senses and the mind are lovely liars…

The Storm Approaches…

The Storm Approaches…

Primordial. Incessant. Searing.We have battled storms all of our life. In fact storms, infinitely larger, have been waging war for eternity.If only they would stop…give us a rest.But storms are the stuff of conflict; the birthplace of growth.If they were to end, all would end.We must reevaluate our attitude toward storms.Bring them on…let the battle continue.

The Contrary Warrior.

The Contrary Warrior.

It is often thought that warriorship is about violence, conflict and the hope of victory. In reality, warriorship is about the negation of conflict; its about letting the universe do whatever it will…and we just move with it.Warriorship is less about combat, and more like an eternal dance with the divine.

Change the Channel.

Change the Channel.

“The world is a hostile place”“You’ve gotta get yours before somebody else does”“I hate mean people” Whatever song your listening to, you can always change the channel. Even so, we have a tendency to bitch and complain about the song playing, and don’t take notice that its because that’s the channel we’re tuned to. We will never hear the right music until we change our channel.