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Category: Ounces of Inspiration

Following are some of my musings, and through the accompanying imagery hopefully they touch a cord by way of synergy.

Turn and face the Strange…

Turn and face the Strange…

We so often want things to change…people to be kinder, our work to be more appreciated, our wait to be shorter. Alan Watts once commented that Blood behaves differently in a test tube than in your veins, showing that “it” and its “environment” are connected, are one. If you want to change to happen, YOU change. It starts and ends with you. If you have any control in this life, it’s over your own reaction to your environment. Being mutually…

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Control your position.

Control your position.

In this world we are always asking others to change. Circumstances to change. Life to change. We don’t realize that by asking the world to change, we are giving away our power. It’s like asking the mirror’s reflection to change. Change your position, and the opponent has to change…



When attacked, your first reaction is to retaliate. It feels like this would even the score, nullify the attack. However Hatred times two, is hatred 2X, not zero. Looking at the situation from a “medical” point of view, SOMETIMES you need chemotherapy, but that shouldn’t be your first response when you get the sniffles…



Flow. We see it all around us; we see its effects in the mirror. A constant reminder that all things change, like it or not. We want to hold on, and arrest change, like capturing lightning in a water bucket. However once the flow is interrupted, it’s gone. You can’t have it… because you ARE it. Only by realizing you are the universe, the thinker AND the thought, you can let go of the need to hold on, because nothing…

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This came from one of my friends, Rod Allen, and is perhaps the “cleanest” way to describe within the limits of language what the nature of reality and consciousness may be…I have said “we’re all hair on the same dog”, but I think Rod’s description is more accurate, and certainly more elegant. Thanks Rod!

…on health and fitness

…on health and fitness

Of course I am not advocating for an unhealthy lifestyle, because we’re going to lose the battle anyway (lighten up!). I am not saying “lay down your sword”, nor “give up the fight”. It is worth remembering though that we’re all just passing through. It is also worth remembering that in the passing, LEAVE YOUR MARK. You may lose the battle, but they will know you were here…