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Tag: inspiration

Been There…Done That.

Been There…Done That.

Your body is literally made of stardust. The fact that it made it’s way to this place and time, just in time to be part of you, is miraculous. You are perfect just the way you are, just as much as anything in the cosmos. In fact, you ARE the cosmos. you’ve already survived Hell fire. And you’re still here.



Stage one, we see life in us/them terms. When the other doesn’t do what we like, we want them to change so that we can be happy. Not very effective life strategy, for sure. Stage two, we realize the we are inextricably intertwined with the events of our lives, and the outcome depends on the meaning we attach to the event. Stage three…we realize that, as stage two suggests, we must blend with the situation, but there also exists the…

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Walking a thin line…

Walking a thin line…

There is a thin line between the insane and the genius. Both, in fact, are merely reference points; assessments done by other people. We often live our lives based on the opinions and expectations of other people. Maybe we need to reassess what’s crazy, living according to the rule of the herd and their collective opinion, or walking you own path, however crazy. Marcus Aurelius also wrote : “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see…

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The Shadow Side

The Shadow Side

We often cringe at the glimpse of our shadow sidethe flaws, the darkness…a cosmic mistake that I didn’t ask for.But if there’s a shadow, it also meansthat the light is shining also, and the darker the shadow,the brighter the light.Give yourself a break. This shadow is your work, this time around. Don’t hide from it…it is your path.Don’t waste your time lamenting about the darkness that shouldn’t be there,because the only way you wouldn’t have it,is if you were totally…

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Battle cry.

Battle cry.

It seems natural to seek the easy way out, to seek fairness, to frown at the looming darkness on the horizon. May we remember that all gain is preceded by conflict, and conflict is only given to Warriors.Turn it around.Run toward the flames. Welcome the rain. Rise to the challenge, even if it kills you. You’re a Warrior. It’s what you’re born for. The storms should be fearing you.

Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness

When you act from a place of genuine abundance…abundance of happiness, success, and gratitude…even when all you see is darkness and all you hear negativity, magic happens. This is not to be confused with wishful thinking or “fake it till you make it”…it is action from a sincere knowing that one could not exist without the other; opposites co-define each other and so coexist. In fact, if it’s dark, that’s great…that means you’re very close to the light…



Anger is a heated response to feeling totally out of control to the present moment. It is a lashing out; in a sort of bunker-buster, last ditch attempt to return life to the way you think it should be. It is total non-acceptance, and as such, a sign of weakness. It is closer to the antithesis of ferocity, which has nothing to do with ego at all… or even self preservation…

Now available on Amazon!

Now available on Amazon!

Irreverent in voice and delivery and lacking the ā€œpious pomposityā€ of most spiritual self-help methods and guides, ā€œOut of My Mindā€ shoots straight at the heart of the human condition to provide effective strategies to combat the tragedies and hardships that befall most of us at one time or anotherā€¦ with mathematical precision. ā€œOut of My Mindā€, born out of the wisdom of the ancient Martial Arts traditions and fused with global philosophical teachings and scientific principles, reveals a strategy…

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The Choice is Yours…

The Choice is Yours…

What do we really have control over? We try to control our finances, our neighbors, our pets. We rail against the government, the IRS, and mainstream media. When we realize that we are wasting all of our energy trying to control that which is out of our control, we may start to realize that the only thing that is ours to control is our reaction to the present moment…and maybe not even that. After all, when was the last time…

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