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Tag: self-help

Perceive perception.

Perceive perception.

We think we perceive our surroundings. We think that are minds are writing the narrative of what is real.In fact, we are not perceiving reality, but our perception of it; our ownpersonal interpretation…not a statement of fact…Observing our observation is the key out of our own personal hell,and blindness to it…condemns us to its repetition.

Change the Channel.

Change the Channel.

“The world is a hostile place”“You’ve gotta get yours before somebody else does”“I hate mean people” Whatever song your listening to, you can always change the channel. Even so, we have a tendency to bitch and complain about the song playing, and don’t take notice that its because that’s the channel we’re tuned to. We will never hear the right music until we change our channel.

Walking a thin line…

Walking a thin line…

There is a thin line between the insane and the genius. Both, in fact, are merely reference points; assessments done by other people. We often live our lives based on the opinions and expectations of other people. Maybe we need to reassess what’s crazy, living according to the rule of the herd and their collective opinion, or walking you own path, however crazy. Marcus Aurelius also wrote : “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see…

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The Shadow Side

The Shadow Side

We often cringe at the glimpse of our shadow sidethe flaws, the darkness…a cosmic mistake that I didn’t ask for.But if there’s a shadow, it also meansthat the light is shining also, and the darker the shadow,the brighter the light.Give yourself a break. This shadow is your work, this time around. Don’t hide from it…it is your path.Don’t waste your time lamenting about the darkness that shouldn’t be there,because the only way you wouldn’t have it,is if you were totally…

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Turn and face the Strange…

Turn and face the Strange…

We so often want things to change…people to be kinder, our work to be more appreciated, our wait to be shorter. Alan Watts once commented that Blood behaves differently in a test tube than in your veins, showing that “it” and its “environment” are connected, are one. If you want to change to happen, YOU change. It starts and ends with you. If you have any control in this life, it’s over your own reaction to your environment. Being mutually…

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