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Tag: Zen

Monkey see, Monkey do.

Monkey see, Monkey do.

It’s easy to spot bad behavior in the actions of others.We tend to think that this alone gives usa “moral superiority”, and that, if I treat them the same,Who cares? They’re just an asshole!Seeing the limitations of others does not give us a free pass.We see the problem… we see the asshole. If you repeat the behavior, we’re a bigger asshole,because we saw the problem, where the asshole is blind.Assholes exist for one simple reason: they reveal who we are;Can…

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Perceive perception.

Perceive perception.

We think we perceive our surroundings. We think that are minds are writing the narrative of what is real.In fact, we are not perceiving reality, but our perception of it; our ownpersonal interpretation…not a statement of fact…Observing our observation is the key out of our own personal hell,and blindness to it…condemns us to its repetition.

Whatever you believe…you’re right.

Whatever you believe…you’re right.

Everything needs its opposite to define itself. Hot defines cold, high defines low. All singularity exists in a binary state. Polarity gives way to motion; conflict…to resolution. Nothing can escape this paradox, even paradox itself… This truth…is also false.

Absence of Presence

Absence of Presence

The future and the past are virtual; they have no weight to them other than what we allocate by way of attention. This debt can feel so high, this weight so great, that it steals us away from this moment, the only moment. It can make us absent in the present, and paralyze us. Most animals don’t seem to share this affliction with humans…it’s always NOW to them…



What would it say about you, if you could not be offended, no matter what anyone said; if you remained calm in the face of any storm, and you simply attempted quiet adaptation to any situation? What then, does it say about our culture when we are offended at the slightest suggestion that differs from our own, that we are so enraged at what someone did that we have to verbally attack them via an innocuous bird chirp, and that,…

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