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Month: March 2020

Don’t become an exhibit.

Don’t become an exhibit.

In a TEDx ® talk I saw recently, Dr. Shimi Kang spoke about the one trait that is essential for humans to have, and to develop: Adaptability. Even so, it is arguably Humankind’s biggest weakness. We want things to stay the same. In a reality where change is the only constant, we fight, kicking and screaming, for the opposite. Take a look at anyone you admire. They rose to their level not by being free of struggle, but by being…

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The Blame Game.

The Blame Game.

Most of us think that if that person hadn’t said that, then I would feel better. If only those people didn’t act that way, then life would be better. Aversion to conflict is a sickness itself; not that we wish it on anyone, but how we handle it determines if we give our power away…or keep it, and grow.There will be some that say this is wrong of me to suggest, but I am not taking you’re power…you’re giving it…

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