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Tag: philosophy

The Impossible Dream

The Impossible Dream

I’m tired of hearing the “anything is possible” speech.All things are simply not possible.Elephants can’t fly. But, you can only do ANYTHING that enters your mind. If it weren’t possible, you wouldn’t have thought of it. And that’s OK…I doubt flying ever entered an elephant’s mind.

Logic and Lunacy.

Logic and Lunacy.

The only thing crazier than believing that your worldview is the only one that’s true is trying to convince a person otherwise by using logic. Always be willing to question the validity of your convictions by testing their credibility, probability…and of course, bias contamination. The senses and the mind are lovely liars…

The Storm Approaches…

The Storm Approaches…

Primordial. Incessant. Searing.We have battled storms all of our life. In fact storms, infinitely larger, have been waging war for eternity.If only they would stop…give us a rest.But storms are the stuff of conflict; the birthplace of growth.If they were to end, all would end.We must reevaluate our attitude toward storms.Bring them on…let the battle continue.

A perception of Interpretation…

A perception of Interpretation…

It is common for us to tally our wins and our losses, our conquests and defeats, and it seems equally common to attribute our negatives as the result of external forces…external sources. But what is your reality REALLY? It is your interpretation…purely your own…of stimuli from life events so that you can categorize and make sense… in our own way…of the meaning of our life. We all are prone to a colossal error though; which is that our interpretation is…

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Who’s on first…

Who’s on first…

If I work hard enough I’ll get there. If I earn that college degree, I’ll have my dream job. I have to be careful to do whats right…I don’t want to fuck up. God knows, if my life is shitty, it’s because I fucked up somewhere. It’s all my fault, right? After all…I am the one in control, right?…