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Author: Kurt

My mission has always been to use the tools at my disposal to empower individuals in the pursuit of their dreams, and to conquer their fears of inadequacy.through persistence, perception, and ingenuity.


We are part of this planet, as inferred by Alan Watts’ comment that “you didn’t come into this world, you came out of it” (listen here). But there is one distinction that possibly separates us from all other inhabitants of this planet, and that is entitlement. Fairness. This life must be equitable. We demand fairness, we demand equality…we demand the very things that this world denies. The world is not interested in your politics, your looks, your money or your…

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Everybody gets a trophy.

Everybody gets a trophy.

We all want children to be treated fairly, to get equal opportunities, and to have the chance to do and be anything they want to be. At first glance, it seems only fair. But we have to look at the outcomes of these actions, to make sure they are doing what’s intended…and the truth is, when everybody gets a trophy, the person who worked the hardest feels cheated, and the one who knows that they are not as skilled as…

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How is your adaptability?

How is your adaptability?

Some people seem to have everything under control, as if they lead charmed lives. If you examine the life of any of the true human heroes, you will see a life that survived conflicts that would crush most of us. We think that we should create control measures that would prevent some of these things from happening… but the more we try to exert rules and control on life, the more out of control life becomes. If we were to…

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